Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin works with Res-Q 1250

What are the health benefits of Policosanol?

Policosanol has been shown in multiple clinical studies to help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system in multiple ways: promoting circulation, cholesterol health, and encouraging healthy arteries. Policosanol promotes circulation in a manner very similar to omega-3. Like Res-Q 1250, policosanol also encourages healthy arteries. Policosanol may work to promote healthy arteries by encouraging cholesterol to stay in a healthy state, an unaltered state that is not as harmful to the arteries. Therefore, taking policosanol, an ingredient in Res-Q LDL-x2, with Res-Q 1250, our high potency omega-3 supplement, further the health benefits of arterial and circulatory health, two things that are very important to your cardiovascular health. Policosanol in Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, promotes circulation and encourages arterial health. Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin should be used with Res-Q 1250 to accelerate the cardiovascular health benefits such as circulation and arterial health.
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