Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The right nutrition to promote a heart healthy heart: Res-Q Orosine.

Hearts can enlarge, and heart failure can occur. The heart struggles to survive, and the structure of the heart changes. The heart wears down much like an old building in need of repair that is now a weak structure. DNA&RNA and protein synthesis diminishes. Without a cure, hope may diminish. However, there is always hope. Hope of improving health, function, and quality of life. The power to change our life belongs to us.

Res-Q Orosine produces the DNA&RNA for the biosynthesis of proteins, the food that the heart needs to help maintain a healthy heart structure. Res-Q Orosine is a doctor formulated combination of inosine partnered with orotate. Although these naturally occurring nutrients are found in our cells, it is only from supplementation that we can give back to our heart the levels that we need to achieve the optimal health of the heart. This is similar to the concept of when we are dehydrated we need to drink, although our bodies consist of water. Our medical team uses Res-Q Orosine for heart patients with various situations. Because we know the importance that supplements, nutraceuticals, not just pharmaceuticals, play in our health, we will share our vast knowledge with our customer’s physicians. We also have many doctors participating in our medical associates program. When there is hope, there may be health. Ask a Res-Q Consultant for a medical packet and information on orosine for your doctor. We will include your name in a personalized letter to your physician. Call 1-800-26-ALIVE to speak with a Res-Q Consultant or to place an order by phone.

Buy Res-Q Orosine Online

Visit N3OCEANIC's website at http://www.n3inc.com/

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