Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Res-Q 1250 is the best omega-3 supplement to buy.

Market Research Report

We compared Res-Q 1250 to a popular name-brand flaxseed oil supplement. We were shocked at how little omega-3 content was in the oil. The 1,000 milligrams, was 1,000 milligrams of flaxseed oil, not 1,000 milligrams of omega-3. The actual omega-3 content was only 50 milligrams per capsule! Only a small percentage of that 50 milligrams can be converted by the body into the active form of omega-3 called EPA and DHA! That is even less omega-3. Studies credit the specific omega-3 fats EPA and DHA with the health benefits you read about in magazines. These include, but are not limited to: helping to lower triglycerides, reducing inflammation, and improving such things as mood, eye sight, skin, hair, nails and overall well-being. The higher the concentration of EPA and DHA, the better the product.

We discovered that you would have to consume 50 bottles of this popular name-brand flaxseed oil in order equal the amount of EPA and DHA in just one bottle of Res-Q® 1250.

Why pay more for EPA and DHA?

Order online at http://www.n3inc.com/, or by calling 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Monday, December 29, 2008

How does Res-Q® 105 MAX help inhibit the absorption of sugar?

The gymnema sylvestre, found in Res-Q® 105 MAX, is an all-natural herb that promotes blood sugar metabolism. Res-Q® 105 MAX’s gymnema sylvestre attaches to the receptor on the intestine in order to stop the sugar molecule from binding to the receptor, thus, inhibiting the absorption of excess sugar. Excess carbohydrates and sugar are then eliminated.

Because we know that you need all the support you can get, Res-Q® 105 MAX has been fortified with multiple natural ingredients, all of which are designed to work together to help maintain a healthy blood-sugar level when used as part of your diet. By adding Res-Q® 105 MAX to your existing diabetic diet plan, you can enjoy a more natural lifestyle.

Quick Summary:
Res-Q® 105 MAX contains Gymnema sylvestre, an all-natural herb that helps inhibit the absorption of sugar by blocking “sugar binding sites" in the digestive system thereby not allowing sugar molecules entrance. Excess sugar is eliminated instead of being absorbed.

To place an order for Res-Q® 105 MAX online please visit our website myResQproducts.com, or call 1-800-26-ALIVE and ask about our PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP plan. You can save all the time, any time. Not just when there’s a promotion!

Gymnema sylvestre: A Memoir, J. Clinical Biochemical Nutrition, 41, 77-81, September 2007

Friday, December 26, 2008

Get back on track. Get Trim. Lose weight.

I always can expect to gain a couple of pounds after my big Christmas-day meal. With so much to do, I find little time to get to the gym. I know I need the extra support now that the holidays are over, so I am going to back to my normal routine. Those extra pounds should come off in no time at all, with a little discipline. Eating less, and still getting proper nutrition means I may need a little help with appetite control and staying away from the junk food. I use Res-Q TrimSystem. If you want some extra support getting back on track and getting trim, try Res-Q TrimSystem. Each Res-Q TrimSystem will last 30 days.

Call 1-800-26-ALIVE and ask our consultants about the convenience plan, or platinum membership, which allows you to buy Res-Q TrimSytem at the best price.

You may also order online at http://www.n3inc.com/

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lowest price. Buy Res-Q TrimSystem for $40.50

This is the lowest price for Res-Q TrimSystem. Res-Q customers with platinum status receive 50% off retail price on Res-Q Products, (only excludes newly introduced products), plus free shipping on all orders of $150.00 or more.

Res-Q TrimSystem provides complete benefits for weight loss:

Reduces absorption of carbohydrates
Discourages accumulation of body fat
Promotes appetite control
Encourages the breakdown of fats for use as energy
Supports the body’s metabolic rate, the rate of metabolism
Promotes glucose metabolism
Provides dietary guidelines to support weight loss goals

To obtain this special offering, please call 1-800-26-ALIVE, and mention platinum.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Don’t settle for “fish oil” Buy the best. Buy Res-Q 1250.

Don't buy a fish oil supplement:

If your doctor has recommended that you take an omega-3 supplement, chances are, he or she does not want you to run out to the pharmacy and just buy “fish oil.” Most fish oils are just that: fish. And that’s not what you’re looking for when it comes to purified, potent omega-3s.
The best omega-3 products on the market have high concentrations of two molecules called EPA and DHA. These are the fatty-acids responsible for a myriad of heart and health benefits such as helping to lower triglycerides and reducing inflammation to improving such things as mood, eye sight, skin, hair, nails and overall well-being. The higher the concentration of EPA and DHA, the better the product.
Buy the best. Buy Res-Q 1250.
Although the active ingredients in fish oil are, in fact, EPA and DHA, many brands do not purify these ingredients or extract sufficient amounts of them to have a bearing on improving your health. Therefore a product, which is simply fish oil, may contain more fish per capsule than active ingredients EPA and DHA.
In economically tough times we tend to cut corners. We buy cheaper brands and expect the same benefits as the “good” stuff. But like tires, when it comes to buying a potent omega-3 product you simply cannot risk cutting corners and buying the cheaper brand.
The best omega-3 products on the market are typically called “marine oils,” which means they are highly refined oils that contain less fish and more of the active ingredient EPA and DHA.

RES-Q® 1250 FACTS:
Res-Q® 1250 capsules provide two to three times as much omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA) per capsule than leading brands of fish oils found in stores.

Res-Q® 1250 is one of the only omega-3 products on the market that can be considered pharmaceutical grade.

Res-Q® 1250 contains more capsules per bottle (200 capsules) than other leading brands. That’s more than three times the amount of capsules per bottle!

Res-Q® 1250 is a direct source of omega-3 EPA and DHA.
Res-Q® 1250 is ranked one of the best omega-3 supplements on the market by Natural Health Magazine (Feb., 2008). Res-Q® “makes the grade,” and has all the essential qualities of an outstanding product.

Res-Q’s patented Puremax™ process uses proprietary engineering technology to concentrate and purify omega-3s over a minimum of three molecular distillation steps. This provides ultra purity and concentration in your Res-Q® 1250 supplement.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The science of Orosine: Part I

Res-Q Orosine is created as a result of combining orotate and inosine together in one capsule. These ingredients are known for their independent ability to help power the heart when the heart is in need of energy. By combining the two ingredients, we hope to offer the right solution to maintain the health of the heart’s function and structure.

In a published study, patients who had a heart attack were given a combination of Vitamin B12, a compound of orotate, and folic acid in additional to drug medication treatment. The patients receiving the orotate, Vitamin B12, and folic acid experienced a better prognosis and a better heart function, with a “…more rapid restoration of myocardial contractility,”1 compared to the patients receiving drug medication alone.

Res-Q Orosine contains orotate and inosine, two cell nutrients known for their ability to lead to the production of nucleic acids, the necessary material in our cells. It has been shown that during and after a heart attack, there is a lower level of these required cell nutrients. By restoring nutritional deficiencies, the heart can again achieve proper health. When the heart is healthy, and stays healthy, the heart’s function is maintained.
Res-Q Multi, a multivitamin specifically formulated for heart health, contains ample amounts of Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, and folic acid for heart health benefits. It is suggested as a supplement to Res-Q Orosine.
1. The use of co-factors and precursors of nucleic acid synthesis in patients with myocardial infarction. Kardiology (Moscow) 1971: Vol. XI, No. 11, 21-15

Friday, December 19, 2008

What are the ingredients in Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin?

Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin contains plant sterols, policosanol, and No-Flush niacin.
Plant sterols, called “phytosterol esters” occur naturally in many plants and foods, but not at a level which reduces cholesterol. Only from supplementing the diet with a sufficent level of plant sterols can you achieve maximum benefits for cholesterol well-being. Plant sterols inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract providing the additional benefit of working on the dietary portion of cholesterol.

Policosanol is an all-natural extract from the sugar-cane plant. Although policosanol is derived from sugar cane, it is from the waxy coating of the sugar cane, and therefore does not contain any significant amount of carbohydrates. It is also safe for Diabetics.
Since policosanol is gentle and does not cause side effects, policosanol is a new, all-natural alternative for those who want to avoid traditional supplements. Since policosanol improves circulation, has an antioxidant-like effect on cholesterol and promotes the clearance of cholesterol, Res-Q LDL-x2 is an excellent partner for Res-Q 1250, enhancing circulatory and arterial health benefits.
Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin contains No-Flush Niacin, which is also called “inositol hexanicotinate,” or “inositol nicotinate.” This all-natural form of niacin does not have any adverse side effects, which makes it wonderful for promoting circulation throughout the body; blood flows to the heart and other organs by promoting arterial relaxation and expansion, opening up the blood vessels for more room for blood to flow. The lack of side effects is attributed to No-Flush Niacin’s unique molecular structure of niacin molecules that surround inositol, a B vitamin. Niacin is also called “nicotinic acid,” and is the cardiovascular form of Vitamin B3. Niacin has been shown in clinical studies to increase HDL, the good cholesterol, and encourage the larger more buoyant type of lipoproteins that tend to be more cardioprotective.

Upon request, Res-Q LDL-x2 is also available without niacin (Res-Q LDL-x2 Niacin Free). However, Res-Q LDL-x2 with niacin is the preferred formula.


Call toll free 1-800-26-ALIVE

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Res-Q CellPower helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

The antioxidants in Res-Q CellPower support healthy arteries by working to neutralize free radicals. Excess free radicals can cause harm to healthy arteries. The Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate) in Res-Q CellPower encourages collagen which supports the arteries. Arteries should be healthy: elastic, and flexible. Collagen promotes elastic healthy arteries. The combination of antioxidants in Res-Q CellPower help maintain, healthy arteries. The Co-Q10 in Res-Q CellPower, is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. However, Co-Q10 also provides other heart health benefits such as promoting muscle health, and supporting the heart’s ability to pump blood by encouraging cellular energy.
Buy Res-Q CellPower at http://www.n3inc.com/ or call anytime 1-800-26-ALIVE to hear our special promotional offers.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mothers, Pregnant and Nursing Moms need omega 3.

Many mothers are deficient in DHA throughout their pregnancy which translates to DHA deficiency in their children at birth, thus they may benefit from DHA supplementation.

We recommend that nursing mothers and pregnant women discuss the dosage of Res-Q 1250 with their physician.

Studies show supplementation beneficial during pregnancy:

  • Significantly decreases chances of low birth weight, and premature delivery
    Benefit brain and retinal development of baby even if born premature.
  • Supplementation is most beneficial in the early stages of pregnancy. Even if you are thinking about becoming pregnant, it is a good idea to supplement.

Studies show supplementation recommended after pregnancy:

  • Levels of DHA are greatly depleted after pregnancy.

  • Decrease risk of developing post-partum depression and treatment of post-partum depression.

  • Breastfed babies need DHA from Mom’s breast milk. Therefore Moms need to obtain enough omega-3 in the form of DHA.

    Res-Q 1205 is a supplement containing omega 3 in the form of EPA and DHA. Res-Q 1250 is intended to promote good health.*
    These claims have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

Res-Q 1250

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The right nutrition to promote a heart healthy heart: Res-Q Orosine.

Hearts can enlarge, and heart failure can occur. The heart struggles to survive, and the structure of the heart changes. The heart wears down much like an old building in need of repair that is now a weak structure. DNA&RNA and protein synthesis diminishes. Without a cure, hope may diminish. However, there is always hope. Hope of improving health, function, and quality of life. The power to change our life belongs to us.

Res-Q Orosine produces the DNA&RNA for the biosynthesis of proteins, the food that the heart needs to help maintain a healthy heart structure. Res-Q Orosine is a doctor formulated combination of inosine partnered with orotate. Although these naturally occurring nutrients are found in our cells, it is only from supplementation that we can give back to our heart the levels that we need to achieve the optimal health of the heart. This is similar to the concept of when we are dehydrated we need to drink, although our bodies consist of water. Our medical team uses Res-Q Orosine for heart patients with various situations. Because we know the importance that supplements, nutraceuticals, not just pharmaceuticals, play in our health, we will share our vast knowledge with our customer’s physicians. We also have many doctors participating in our medical associates program. When there is hope, there may be health. Ask a Res-Q Consultant for a medical packet and information on orosine for your doctor. We will include your name in a personalized letter to your physician. Call 1-800-26-ALIVE to speak with a Res-Q Consultant or to place an order by phone.

Buy Res-Q Orosine Online

Visit N3OCEANIC's website at http://www.n3inc.com/

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dogs&Cats benefit from omega-3 in Res-Q 1250

Omega-3’s may be beneficial for some pets, and recommended by some vets. We recommend that you speak with your veterinarian first.

Res-Q 1250 capsules are all natural and may be your first choice for dogs or cats. You may want to puncture the capsule to extract the oil first and mix with the pet's food. Res-Q 1250 Liquid with all natural lemon flavor is a great alternative, because you would not have to extract the oil from the capsules.

Our customer’s have told us how their dogs have benefited from the omega-3 oil. Some of the benefits reported include in some cases less tail biting, skin itching and skin health problems, and help with occasional pain. Research studies show that dogs can benefit from obtaining a larger amount of omega-3 fats to help restore the ratio of omegas in their diet, improving skin condition, and reducing inflammation. Many of our customers notice a better coat appearance.

If you have any product questions, call 1-800-26-ALIVE Mon-Fri and ask to speak with a Res-Q consultant. Order 24 hours a day toll free 1-800-26-ALIVE.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Res-Q TrimSystem helps inhibit body fat formation.

The dried fruit rind of a small sweet exotic fruit of Garcinia cambogia, which grows on a small to moderate-sized evergreen tree, has benefits for a weight loss program, when used along with diet and exercise. Garcinia cambogia has been shown in clinical studies to reduce food intake, and is able to promote body fat loss. Garcinia cambogia is not a stimulant and does not affect the central nervous system. Garcinia cambogia reduces the formation of body fat by limiting the amount of body fat that can be made during a diet containing carbohydrates. Since Res-Q TrimSystem contains this fruit extract along with many other minerals, and herbs, Res-Q TrimSystem can encourage the reduction of appetite, boost the metabolism, and safely and naturally inhibit the formation of body fat.

Call our Res-Q consultants, at 1-800-26-ALIVE and ask for our best price on Res-Q TrimSystem.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Should I take Res-Q Orosine if I have blocked arteries?

Yes, it is safe and even beneficial to your health to take Res-Q Orosine if you have blocked arteries. While omega-3 fats found in Res-Q 1250, and niacin in Res-Q HDL+, and plant sterols in Res-Q LDL-x2, work on different types of blood fats to help move them back to the liver for removal, thereby encouraging healthy veins and arteries, Res-Q Orosine helps to maintain a healthy heart function when under normal demands of stress on the heart common to us all. Blood fats that linger in the bloodstream can build up on the artery wall forming blocked arteries. Therefore removal of them, can help maintain healthy arteries in good health. Arteries narrowed due to plaque formation can increase risk for death and heart trouble. Improving health by doing the most for the heart muscle is even more important with the most risk for heart problems.

“…a very small piece of plaque can break off, travel down the artery and block it, causing this electrical disturbance that results in sudden cardiac death. Half of all deaths due to atherosclerosis are sudden and unexpected.” - Res-Q Orosine, Breakthrough cell regeneration formula

Visit us on the web at http://www.myresqproducts.com/, or call toll free 1-800-262-5483.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Call Now 1-800-26-ALIVE to buy Res-Q 1250. Ask for the best price.

Better Omega 3
Res-Q 1250 is an omega 3 product that provides more omega-3 then common type fish oils found in stores. Res-Q 1250 is made from open sea fish with fins and scales from the sardine and herring family. You would have to consume excessive amounts of fish to even come close to obtaining the amount of omega-3s in Res-Q 1250. The concern over the safety of fish consumption is another reason supplementing with Res-Q 1250 is a better option. Res-Q 1250 is free of mercury and other pollutants found in fish. Res-Q 1250 supplies you with the essential amounts of EPA and DHA needed for cardiovascular health.

Capsules and Liquid
Res-Q 1250 is available in both capsules and liquid. The effectiveness of both Res-Q 1250 capsules and Res-Q 1250 Liquid is the same.

Use Res-Q products together for superior performance
Res-Q products are designed to work together. For optimal results, we do recommend that Res-Q 1250 be taken in combination with Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin and Res-Q CellPower especially for cholesterol well-being.

We sell to and educate physicians
An increasing number of physicians are members of Res-Q’s Medical Associates Program. We get a lot of referrals from doctors who are recommending Res-Q 1250 as well as our other Res-Q products to their patients. Scientific research is based on EPA and DHA and not on specific brands of omega-3. Res-Q 1250 contains the highest amounts of EPA and DHA and is a trusted name in the marine oil industry for well over 20 years.

Our customers save more
On 12-09-08, Platinum members receive a free limited time sign on bonus bottle. Sign on free bonus bottle offer may end very soon, so call today 1-800-262-5483. Platinum members receive 50% off full retail price of Res-Q 1250, the best price on Res-Q 1250, all the time, even if they just order one bottle at a time. Platinum members receive free shipping on orders of $150.00.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

HDL – The Artery Wall Defenders

Studies show that risk for arterial health problems (build up on the artery wall) is directly related to the HDL number, the good cholesterol called high density lipoprotein. In fact, even those with a good cholesterol number, are at risk when their good cholesterol number declines. What is too low of an HDL? Is it below 40 or below 50? While mixed opinions remain regarding what the magic number is for too low of an HDL for men and women, one piece of information remains consistent: a higher HDL is better for your heart health.

As reported in the Journals of the American Heart Association,

“Studies show that for every 1-mg/dl rise in HDL-C )1 milligram HDL-C per 1 deciliter of blood, the risk for developing cardiovascular disease decreases by 2% to 3%.”

HDL, the good cholesterol promotes a process known as “reverse cholesterol transport” This process has been compared to a mop that helps to absorb excess cholesterol on the arterial wall and sweeps it back to the liver for disposal through normal bodily functions. Clinical studies have linked potent fish oils, meaning the fish oils rich in omega-3 content, and niacin with successful results. Take Res-Q HDL+ with Res-Q 1250 to help maintain a healthy HDL number.

Weight Loss has also been linked with raising the HDL. For extra support with your weight loss program, try Res-Q TrimSystem, our weight loss aid. Test, Call 1-800-26-ALIVE NOW for more information.

Monday, December 8, 2008

CoQ10 helps heart health multiple ways.

CoQ10 is ubiquitous, since it is found everywhere. Found in every cell, CoQ10, also called ubiquinone produces energy. Without energy, the heart can not properly perform, much like a person feeling low on energy, does not run, and can only walk instead.

Everyone needs more CoQ10
Although CoQ10 is found everywhere, a sufficient supply of CoQ10 from diet is unlikely, and our bodies can barely produce enough CoQ10. CoQ10 levels decline with age. Taking a CoQ10 supplement, like Res-Q CellPower for example, is one of the best things to do.

CoQ10 helps the heart and arteries to stay healthy
Studies show that CoQ10 helps the heart function by helping the heart pump blood, which may improve quality of life, and increase the life span. When CoQ10, an ingredient found in Res-Q CellPower, is taken with Res-Q Orosine, the results will be even better. CoQ10 helps to promote healthy blood vessels, and blood flow to the heart by functioning to help protect LDL from oxidation. It is the oxidation of cholesterol that is associated with harmful build up in the arteries, which accumulates until blood flow to the heart is restricted.

Safety of CoQ10
CoQ10 is good for those with muscle and heart problems, and does not have side effects or any toxicity. CoQ10 supports the heart in its ability to pump blood through cardiac output.

Other Health Benefits
CoQ10 also provides “antioxidant activity”, and supports the immune system.
Free radicals from stress, toxins, pollution, and poor diets, something we are all exposed to, can put health at risk. CoQ10 is an antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals.

Many cholesterol medications called statins, lower levels of CoQ10 making the need for CoQ10 even more critical to the health of the heart and arteries.

CoQ10 has been recommended in many nutritional publications, and was referred to as a nutritional “superhero” or “Super Q”

Res-Q CellPower contains CoQ10 and other antioxidants, Lutein, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Astaxanthin, Lycopene, and Selenium. Res-Q CellPower is recommended for anyone taking Res-Q 1250, Res-Q LDL-x2 with niacin, and Res-Q Orosine, and anyone seeking a healthy heart muscle.

Buy Res-Q products at our best savings, 50% off the listed retail price, all the time, not just when there is a special promotional offer, by becoming a member of our Platinum Plan. On 12-08-08, Platinum members, paid only $24.00 for Res-Q CellPower. Platinum members always receive free shipping on orders of $150.00 or more. For more information please contact a Res-Q consultant by phone 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Don't buy niacin. Buy No-Flush Niacin. Buy Res-Q HDL+

Niacin has been shown in clinical studies to increase HDL cholesterol and to help maintain a cholesterol level that is already normal. However, there are people that can not take niacin due to side effects of niacin such as itching, redness, nausea, etc. These people may not know that there is a form of niacin called “No-Flush” Niacin. Because No Flush Niacin is simply “niacin” arranged around a molecule of inositol, it is possible to obtain all of the same cardiovascular health benefits of niacin yet without the side effects associated with niacin. We use only the No-Flush form of niacin in Res-Q products. The niacin in Res-Q HDL+ is the No-Flush form of niacin. Res-Q HDL+ provides the benefits of niacin without the typical side effects associated with niacin. Niacin, also called nicotinic acid, or referred to as the regular over the counter niacin, can cause side effects in many people. Clinical studies that have been around for years show that people who took No-Flush Niacin did not have the same side effects as those who took niacin. We know niacin is good for cardiovascular health, which is why Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin is the preferred formula for cardiovascular health. Res-Q HDL+ should be used with Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin to achieve optimal levels of No-Flush Niacin for maximum results. Unlike regular niacin, No-Flush Niacin found in Res-Q HDL+ and Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin, does not result in abrupt dilation of blood vessels that can cause redness or itching reactions. No-Flush Niacin in Res-Q HDL+, provides the benefits of blood vessel relaxation without the side effects. Although it is theoretically possible in rare cases to have a reaction to no-flush niacin similar to niacin, this is very unlikely. No-Flush Niacin allows many people the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of niacin, who otherwise could not take niacin. This is why Res-Q HDL+, No-Flush Niacin is the best niacin that you can buy. The No-Flush Niacin in Res-Q HDL+ is very well tolerated. If you think you can’t take niacin, you may want to try Res-Q HDL+, and enjoy the benefits of No-Flush Niacin.

For questions, call 1-800-26-ALIVE and ask to speak with a Res-Q consultant. Order anytime by phone, 1-800-26-ALIVE. Ask for the best savings offer.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Have high blood pressure? Buy vitamin D

As reported by Reuter’s, on November 14th 2008, “Lower blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, a protein that provides an acquire measure of vitamin D in the blood, are independently associated with an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, according to findings published in Hypertension.”

The majority of women were deficient in vitamin D. Furthermore, deficiencies in Vitamin D, were linked with high blood pressure.

Res-Q Multi contains vitamin D. The vitamin D in Res-Q Multi, is in its best form, most bioavailable form called cholecalciferol. Res-Q Multi, is Res-Q’s Heart Healthy Multivitamin. For heart health, and the best vitamin levels, we suggest taking 3 caplets per day after dinner (after meal). Each bottle has 90 caplets, and if taken as directed, will last 30 days.

Sign up for our convenience plan, and Res-Q Multi, is just $22.10. We will also give you free shipping with the Res-Q convenience plan. We will also send you a free bottle of Res-Q Multi every five months. One bottle will be shipped to you each month, and on the 5th month, we will send you the Res-Q Multivitamin for free. We will continue to do this for you on every 5th Res-Q Multi shipment. This way, you will not have to worry about running out of product, or having to remember to call and order. If taken as directed, Res-Q Multi will always show up as soon as you need. No need to waste time and money running to the store, with Res-Q Convenience plan offer.

To sign up for our convenience plan, please contact a Res-Q consultant Monday-Friday by calling 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Res-Q Multi is being promoted to help maintain good cardiovascular function and optimal cardiovascular health.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure, treat or prevent disease. Please consult a physician for medical treatment and/or advice.


News Article, Low vitamin D linked with high blood pressure, Reuter Health.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Why choose Res-Q 1250 over another omega-3 product?

Res-Q 1250 provides the proper balance of EPA and DHA for cardiovascular health.

Res-Q 1250 is a direct source of EPA and DHA. You need EPA and DHA, omega-3 fatty acids, and not just fish oil to support cardiovascular health. Res-Q 1250 provides our customers with the proper amounts of omega-3 fatty acids to produce specific health benefits that they desire. Only 1-3% of omega-3 from flaxseed oil is converted by the body into EPA and DHA. Res-Q 1250 is a direct source of EPA and DHA. The cod fish is low in EPA and DHA, unlike other fatty fish such as sardines and herring. To obtain the amounts of EPA and DHA that you need to reduce triglycerides and obtain the health benefits you hear about on the radio, you would need to consume very large amounts of cod liver oil which could lead to consuming large amounts of Vitamin A, which is toxic if too much is consumed. Res-Q 1250 is a good, safe, potent source of omega-3 fats EPA and DHA for optimal cardiovascular health benefits.

Res-Q 1250 provides the best value for your dollar.
When you divide the cost per bottle of Res-Q 1250 by the number of milligrams of omega-3’s, specifically EPA and DHA and compare with other omega-3 supplements, you will find that Res-Q 1250 is superior in potency (755mg/cap) and value (37 cents or less) per gram of EPA and DHA. Most companies cost per gram is much higher.

Link To Cost Per Gram Chart

To order Res-Q 1250, a pure, potent omega-3 supplement, far better than any fish oil, just call us toll free, anytime, 1-800-26-ALIVE, and ask for our best savings plan.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Res-Q 1250 is available in capsules or liquid

Res-Q 1250 gelcaps made of gelatin, glycerin and purified water, are convenient for traveling, easy to swallow and made with a thin gelatin capsule for faster absorption. The proprietary antioxidant blend of rosemary extract, ascorbyl palmitate (fat soluble form of Vitamin C) and natural tocopherols extend the shelf life of Res-Q 1250 capsules and help prevent oxidation of the oil keeping the product fresh for one year after opening, and 3 years if unopened. Since some people prefer not to swallow gelcaps, we have Res-Q 1250 in a liquid form.

Res-Q 1250 Liquid is available in all natural lemon. The Res-Q 1250 Liquid is packaged using a high quality dense plastic designed to maintain the integrity of our Res-Q products and provide the highest level of quality to our customers. The name of the plastic is HDPE, high density polyethylene. The type of plastic that we use is different than the plastic used in some other types of beverage bottles and is considered one of the safest plastics for use in storing food and beverages and is known for not leaching harmful substances. Unlike glass, if the bottle is accidentally dropped, it will not shatter and break and is therefore safe for elderly patients and children. The Vitamin E in Res-Q 1250 Liquid keeps the product fresh, and prevents oxidation of the oil. Please refrigerate Res-Q 1250 Liquid after opening. After opening, Res-Q 1250 Liquid is good for 90 days. Each bottle should last 33 days or longer if taken as directed.

Order Res-Q 1250 by phone. Call toll free 1-800-26-ALIVE. Ask about our promotions!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Res-Q 1250 Liquid with Original Lemon Flavor

Res-Q 1250 Liquid Original Lemon Flavor contains the all natural flavor of lemon oil from real lemons. The light lemon flavor of the refined oil of Res-Q 1250 Liquid Original Lemon Flavor is fresh, pleasant and smooth, and is what makes Res-Q 1250 Liquid with Lemon Flavor great for mixing with food or using as a dressing on your salad.

Res-Q 1250 Liquid Original Lemon Flavor is just $36.40 per bottle, when you sign up for our convenience plan. For signing up today, and starting your convenience plan, each 5th bottle shipment of Res-Q 1250 Liquid Original Lemon Flavor is free. We will also give you free shipping. Every month, we will ship you another bottle at this price, which gives you the convenience of consistent savings, and with consistent usage, the convenience plan helps make sure that you don't have to worry about running out of product.

Note: Res-Q 1250 Liquid can be used for baking or heating, but not for frying or grilling.

Call 1-800-26-ALIVE to join the Res-Q convenience plan, the best automatic shipment savings plan!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Don’t forget the ResQ to the rescue!

Before sitting down to eat the Thanksgiving day dinner, it is good time to remember to rescue yourself by taking your Res-Q 1250. Before sitting down for a large high fat delicious meal, getting some of the good fats in your system is a good idea. I am going to take an extra capsule, for a total of 4 Res-Q 1250 Capsules prior to my meal. By consuming good omega3 fats from ResQ 1250 prior to consuming other fats, a more healthy balance of fats is created and I may feel better too!

Another supplement that is even more important to not go without during this Holiday is Res-Q 105 Max. When used as part of your diet, Res-Q 105 MAX helps maintain a healthy blood sugar level. It is a good idea to take an extra ResQ 105 MAX capsule when you absolutely know that you can’t pass up on a good meal, and may eat a little more than usual.

If you are only eating one meal that day, instead of two or three meals, you may take the whole daily dose of 3 ResQ 105 Max capsules with the meal that you eat. It is just as important to take the correct amount of Res-Q 105 Max daily as it is to take ResQ 105 Max with food. After all, after the meal is the time when the blood sugar is likely to rise. Taking Res-Q 105 MAX does not replace healthy eating habits for diabetes. When used as part of a healthy diabetic diet plan, Res-Q 105 may help maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Obtaining a healthy blood sugar level in a natural way is important to many people.

For that after the meal bloat, gas, and indigestion, the enzymes in Res-Q All Essential Enzymes will help speed digestion, and help you get more out of the food that you eat. Keeping the Res-Q ProBiotic in your system, may also help reduce gas, and the after meal stuffed feeling, “Oh boy I ate too much!” The Res-Q ProBiotic is good living microscopic life found in our digestive tract that helps to break down the food stuff that remains that we did not digest.

These are a few of the supplements that you just can’t afford to go without during the Holidays. These supplements will make meals seem better and our health better too!

For more information, ask to speak with a Res-Q Consultant by calling 1-800-26-ALIVE, Monday through Friday. To place an order, you may call us any time of the day, by calling 1-800-26-ALIVE Monday through Sunday, or visit us online at http://www.n3inc.com

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Res-Q 1250 Advantage

Res-Q 1250 is a unique formula designed to provide adults with the proper balance of essential omega-3 fatty acids needed for optimal cardiovascular health.

Highly Refined and Tested
Res-Q 1250 is a safe product free of environmental concerns. Res-Q 1250 does not contain mercury, heavy metals, or PCB’s, etc.

High Potency
When compared to fish oil supplements, smaller doses of Res-Q 1250 are needed in order to obtain the recommended amounts of EPA and DHA. Res-Q 1250 is more effective for encouraging cardiovascular health benefits. Not only is Res-Q 1250 effective, Res-Q 1250 has a better value for cost.

Better Value
With up to 150,000mg of EPA and DHA per bottle, Res-Q 1250 with 200 capsules per bottle has more EPA and DHA per capsule than many other omega-3 supplements.

Res-Q 1250 is available in capsules or liquid.

Natural antioxidants are added to prevent oxidation of the oil keeping the product fresh for 3 years if unopened. You should store your unopened Res-Q 1250 in a cool dry place. Once opened, Res-Q 1250 Liquid should be refrigerated.
Order Res-Q 1250 Online or call 1-800-26-ALIVE to hear our special savings and current promotional offers.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Benefits of Res-Q 1250

Res-Q 1250 helps support cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range, and supports cardiovascular health in multiple ways. Res-Q 1250 is a unique formula designed to provide adults with the proper balance of essential omega-3 fatty acids needed for optimal cardiovascular health. Res-Q 1250 helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system by encouraging circulation, and arterial health and elasticity. Res-Q 1250 helps promote silky smooth blood platelets thereby encouraging good blood flow to the heart. Blood platelets that do not move along freely and stick together can restrict circulation. Res-Q 1250 helps maintain a reduced inflammation level which may also support cardiovascular health.

Frequently Asked Questions

To speak with a Res-Q consultant or to place an order, call 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Res-Q 105 MAX

Res-Q 105 Max can be used as part of your diet to help maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Res-Q 105 Max contains the same amount of pumpkin pentose with additional supportive ingredients to support a healthy glucose (blood sugar) metabolism, a normal function of the body common to everyone.

Res-Q 105 Max provides pumpkin pentose, a natural extract of pumpkin that is a 5-carbon sugar, with a different chemical structure than that of sugar as we know sugar, a 6 carbon sugar. Pumpkin pentose is a natural sugar substitute for metabolic energy, and is not a table sugar, and does not raise sugar. Pentose from pumpkin can provide energy to the human body by directly entering the body’s cells to be able to be converted into energy. Res-Q 105 Max also contains Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf, an herb that helps inhibit the absorption of sugar, and ingredients that help speed the removal of glucose from the blood. The fruit of the Bitter melon plant supports the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin. Alpha-Lipoic acid is an antioxidant that promotes the processing of insulin. Chromium, an essential trace mineral used for normal body functions helps to move blood sugar (glucose) from the bloodstream into the cells to be used as energy and to turn fats, carbs, and proteins into energy. The other ingredients used to make the capsule include a form of fiber, a lubricant made from pure vegetable oil to and a natural mineral to ensure better encapsulation.

Res-Q 105 Max may be used for nutritional support as part of the diet in order to help maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Res-Q 105 is not a vitamin or mineral and is not intended to replace your regular supplements. Res-Q 105 MAX can be taken if you already have normal blood sugar levels and as part of your diet to help maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
If you are diabetic, we recommend that you discuss Res-Q 105 with your doctor and get your blood sugar tested before starting on Res-Q 105. Continue to work with your doctor on a treatment plan for management of abnormal blood sugar, which includes regular blood sugar testing. Res-Q 105Max can be very beneficial to your overall health because it may be used as part of your diet to help maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Everyone responds differently. However, you may begin to see benefits right away with full benefits continuing up to one month. Regular blood sugar monitoring/testing is very important when trying to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
How it works
When used as part of the diet, Res-Q 105Max helps maintain a healthy blood sugar level by providing energy to the human body, which can restrain the release of sugar into the bloodstream to provide energy, encourage sugar in the blood to be stored in the liver for later use, and help stop the body from making more sugar. Res-Q 105 Max stimulates the production of insulin by the body. When effective insulin secretion occurs, the result is a healthy blood sugar level. Res-Q 105 Max may prompt the pancreas to develop more beta cells, the source of insulin. Res-Q 105 MAX may also make body cells more responsive to the insulin that is available.

Always consult your physician regarding any questions about your blood sugar, medications, a medical condition, and before using a new supplement. Res-Q 105 MAX is manufactured in the United States. We guarantee you will be satisfied with your first purchase of this product within 60 days or we will give you your money back.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Res-Q Orosine

Res-Q Orosine is an essential cell boosting formula for the entire body which may be used by those seeking to maintain cardiovascular health and those on cardiac care. Cardiovascular benefits improve longevity and quality of life. Res-Q Orosine provides nutrients necessary for healthy cell growth and repair. As we age, the requirement for continued cell growth and repair is most important for maintaining a healthy heart.

Orosine is a proprietary combination of the active all natural ingredients inosine and orotate. Orotate is the active ingredient in the compound magnesium orotate. Magnesium orotate is a compound consisting of magnesium bound to orotic acid. Inosine and orotate are small naturally occurring compounds in the body that play an important role in human health by helping to make nucleotides, the building blocks of cellular material, RNA and DNA, the nucleic acids in our cell which control cellular functions. These ingredients have been used world-wide to help maintain a healthy heart function.

Magnesium orotate found in Res-Q Orosine is orotate together with magnesium. Magnesium is used to provide the active ingredient, orotate. Magnesium helps stabilize membranes in the heart; magnesium orotate affects the production of proteins to help build better cells. Res-Q Orosine does not replace taking magnesium as a supplement, such as Res-Q Mg.

Res-Q Orosine helps maintain a healthy heart structure and healthy heart function by promoting heart energy and care on a cellular level. Res-Q Orosine encourages repair processes on a cellular level, such as muscle cells of the heart.

Res-Q Orosine supports the ability of the heart to pump blood, helps maintain a healthy heart rhythm, and enhances coronary circulation, and blood flow. Orosine encourages the transfer of oxygen from red blood cells to the heart and skeletal muscles without increased demand on the heart.

The health benefits of Res-Q Orosine extend beyond basic cardiac function. Orosine maintains organ health by promoting the rejuvenating and regeneration of cells that are under stress of daily life. Orosine rejuvenates cellular energy and promotes the function of cell regeneration and cellular repair for the heart, brain, kidneys, lungs, liver, and other organs. Orosine accelerates the normal process of healing and repair common to everyone. Res-Q Orosine can be used by healthy individuals to help play a role in promoting good health by helping to prevent or correct unknown problems before they occur.

Res-Q Orosine promotes energy and can help with the normal and occasional day to day fatigue by improving energy depleted conditions, such as from athletic performance, work capacity and physical endurance. Orosine provides energy and oxygen in cardiac and skeletal muscle subject to overload or may have been depleted from exercise. Orosine may improve work capacity and endurance during exercise. Res-Q Orosine can be taken by those on an exercise regimen to help improve exercise tolerance.
Call 1-800-26-ALIVE to discover the current promotional offers.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Res-Q LDL-x2

Res-Q LDL-x2 With Niacin is a comprehensive formulation with ingredients that provide more complete benefits for cardiovascular health. Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin is formulated to work with Res-Q 1250 and Res-Q CellPower for optimal results.

Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin is Res-Q’s most complete formula for cardiovascular health and is the first choice for every customer to achieve optimal benefits in combination with Res-Q 1250 and Res-Q CellPower. Res-Q LDL-x2 is also available without niacin and is referred to as Res-Q LDL-x2 Niacin free. Res-Q LDL-x2 promotes reduced absorption of dietary cholesterol, circulation, cholesterol health, and arterial health. Res-Q LDL-x2 contains safe and natural ingredients such as policosanol and plant sterols that address dietary cholesterol in the digestive tract, and the body’s natural production of cholesterol. Res-Q LDL-x2 is a nice addition to any cholesterol health supplement regimen.

Phytosterol Esters
Phytosterol esters are called plant sterols, fat-like compounds that work in the small intestine to inhibit the absorption of dietary cholesterol during digestion. The average American dietary intake of plant sterols is only found in small quantities in foods. The plant sterols are esterified meaning combined with fat for better absorption. The ester form of plant sterols are more effective. The Phytosterol esters (plant sterol esters) found in Res-Q LDL-x2 with Niacin are derived from vegetables. By increasing plant sterol intake to 1,300milligrams, excess cholesterol is eliminated instead of being absorbed. The FDA states that “Foods containing at least .65 grams per serving of plant sterol esters, consumed twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 1.3 grams, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. A one caplet serving of Res-Q LDL-x2 contains .65 grams of plant sterols, taken twice a day with meals, equals a daily total intake of 1.3 grams of plant sterol esters. The FDA further acknowledges that, “the scientific evidence established that including plant sterol esters in the diet helps to lower blood total and LDL cholesterol levels.”

Policosanol derived from sugar cane is the source of policosanol supported by clinical evidence as effective. Policosanol safely works through the liver to support cardiovascular health, cholesterol well-being, and healthy circulation. Research shows that policosanol’s unique antioxidant like properties may also support cholesterol in its “healthy state” thereby helping to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, and help promote further circulation and blood flow to the heart.

No-Flush Niacin.
Niacin has been shown in clinical studies to boost HDL cholesterol levels. No-Flush Niacin is a safe, tolerable form of niacin that helps support healthy circulation and blood flow to the heart by encouraging the normal function of relaxation of the blood vessels allowing for expansion, room in the blood vessel for blood flow. No-Flush Niacin also encourages cholesterol to be a larger and more buoyant type, while small more dense lipoproteins, including Lpa tend to be more harmful to the arteries. No-Flush Niacin gradually reaches maximum levels approximately 10 hours after ingestion and therefore does not result in abrupt dilation of blood vessels common to less tolerable types of niacin.
Call 1-800-26-ALIVE to order or to speak with a Res-Q Consultant, or to become a platinum member. Platinum members pay half price all the time!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Omega-3 fatty acid consumption encourages good eye health.

According to a population study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, there is a connection between omega-3 consumption and eye health, specifically with regard to risk of developing dry eyes.

Over 32,000 women surveyed, answered a food frequency questionnaire.

Those who had consumed higher intakes of a specific omega-3 fish as frequently as 2-4 times a week, those with a higher intake of omega-3, and those with highest DHA intake were less likely to get dry eye syndrome, compared with lower intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

The diet was assessed, the number of women diagnosed with dry eye syndrome counted, and multiple factors adjusted in order to see if there is relationship between ratios of fatty acids and chances of getting dry eye syndrome.

The results show that those who consumed more omega-6 and less of the omega-3 are more likely to be diagnosed with dry eye syndrome. As reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, “A higher ratio of n–6 to n–3 FA consumption was associated with a significantly increased risk of DES.”

Higher intakes of omega-3 are more common from EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids, but more difficult to obtain than omega-6, since this good omega-3 fat in the beneficial form of EPA and DHA is found in specific fish, which may not be as appealing to many.

Res-Q 1250 is a direct concentrated source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Many fish oil capsules do not contain the amount of omega-3 fatty acids as just one Res-Q 1250 capsule. Res-Q 1250 helps restore a healthy balance of omega-3 fats in the diet, and unlike fish, Res-Q 1250 undergoes purification and testing to ensure safety. The Res-Q 1250 dietary supplement is purified using the puremax process, and further analyzed to ensure that the product is safe, unlike the risks associated with eating several fish meals per week. We do not include omega-6 since it appears easier to obtain omega-6 from diet than it is omega-3. By increasing levels of omega-3, a more optimal, a more healthy ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 may be obtained.


Relation between dietary n–3 and n–6 fatty acids and clinically diagnosed dry eye syndrome in women, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 82, No. 4, 887-893, October 2005

Go To Website

Friday, November 7, 2008

Res-Q Orosine encourages heart healing

Res-Q orosine promotes heart health by encouraging heart healing. Heart energy levels may be not be where they should be for those who are suffering from heart failure or have had a heart attack. Also, heart energy levels may be important to everyone. According to statistical data from 2005, cardiovascular disease accounted for 35.2% of all deaths. Plenty of reason to take care of your heart now, and keep it healthy.

Res-Q Orosine promotes heart energy, and helps maintain a healthy heart. Res-Q Orosine also encourages increased cardiac glycogen, and helps to prevent leakage of glycogen, promotes protein synthesis, and energy levels. Res-Q Orosine increases cellular nucleic acids, DNA/RNA for the biosynthesis of proteins needed to repair the heart.

Res-Q Orosine promotes the normal bodily process of healing and tissue repair common after a heart attack, thus benefiting those people by helping to maintain positive outcomes, longevity, better cardiovascular health, better care for the heart, and helping to maintain a stabilized heart rhythm, as they care for the health of their heart moving forward after having had a heart problem.

Go to Website to find more information on Res-Q Orosine

To order Res-Q Orosine,
call us toll free at

Ask about our special

promotional offers!


Statistics from: Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2008 Update A Report From the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Can I take Res-Q Orosine if I have high blood pressure?

Yes, the product would benefit your heart, and help maintain a healthy heart structure. The abuse the heart is under and harmful reconstruction of the heart associated with high blood pressure can be devastating. This product would benefit the health of your heart, and help maintain a healthy heart structure. Also, anyone seeking benefits for their heart could potentially benefit from this product as well as anyone seeking to help maintain a healthy heart before problems occur.
To order Res-Q Orosine, and learn about our promotional offers, please call toll free 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Res-Q Orosine promotes the transfer of oxygen to the heart muscle.

Res-Q Orosine promotes heart energy, and provides oxygen for the heart. Res-Q Orosine helps transfer oxygen from the blood to the muscles such as the heart, one of our most important muscles in the body. Orosine helps transfer oxygen by promoting the production of an “essential oxygen transfer compound” to transport the oxygen in the blood from hemoglobin to cardiac and skeletal muscles. Those who have suffered a heart attack, or who have over worked their hearts may use Res-Q Orosine to benefit the health of the heart. Others may use Res-Q Orosine to help maintain a normal heart function by giving their hearts oxygen.
Order by phone toll-free 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Res-Q Orosine helps maintain a healthy heart structure.

Hearts can become remodeled in a harmful way when overloaded such as with high blood pressure. Heart failure can occur. Prevention of this would be the key to heart health. Res-Q Orosine supports the heart’s pump ability by helping to maintain contractile proteins in the myocyte and by helping to maintain a normal cell structure. Res-Q Orosine helps maintain a healthy heart structure.

Order Res-Q Orosine by calling 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Res-Q Orosine supports the heart in its ability to pump blood.

Orosine is a combination of essential substrates that lead to the production of energy, which benefits the heart muscle. Res-Q Orosine supports a healthy heart pumping action by helping to maintain cardiac cells and myofibrils in a healthy state. Res-Q Orosine supports cardiac output and promotes left ventricular function, helping to maintain the heart in its ability to pump blood. Res-Q Orosine promotes heart energy and is therefore a good food for the heart.

Myofibril song at science groove

To purchase Res-Q Orosine, you may call toll free 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Go To Res-Q Site To Buy Res-Q Orosine

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why is it called Res-Q Orosine?

Orosine is a proprietary blend of inosine and orotate, hence the name Res-Q Orosine. Orosine is made up of orotate and inosine, small naturally occurring compounds in the body. The two active ingredients, inosine and orotate work together to promote energy production by producing cellular energy, which may help combat occasional fatigue common to us all, and further enhance the health, state, and condition of the heart muscle. These ingredients have been used world-wide to help restore heart function. Furthermore, Orosine may also be used to help maintain a heart function that is already normal.

Orosine plays an important role by helping to make nucleotides, the building blocks of cellular material, RNA and DNA, the nucleic acids in our cell which control cellular function. Orosine encourages a healthy heart structure.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Who should take Res-Q Orosine?

Res-Q Orosine is so safe and all natural, and specifically designed for the health of the heart muscle that even customers with congestive heart failure, heart valve issues, those taking blood thinners, or have had prior heart attacks have used Res-Q Orosine under the care of their doctors and have seen and felt the improved health differences since taking the supplement.

Res-Q Orosine may be taken by adults seeking cellular health benefits for the entire body. The two ingredients in Res-Q Orosine work together by leading to energy production, and promoting cellular energy, combating occasional fatigue common to us all and enhancing the health of the heart.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Why Res-Q Orosine?

Res-Q Orosine is an essential cell boosting formula for the entire body, and can be taken by adults seeking health benefits for the entire body. However, Res-Q Orosine is very good for the health of the heart muscle by promoting the heart’s ability to pump blood. Res-Q Orosine also benefits heart patients by helping to maintain a healthy heart structure while under the stress of daily life by promoting the function of rejuvenating and regenerating cells. These ingredients have been used world wide to help restore heart function.

Does anyone have any questions about Res-Q Orosine?

Friday, October 24, 2008

What will Res-Q Orosine do for me?

Res-Q Orosine will help maintain a healthy heart structure and function.

Res-Q Orosine will promote heart energy and care on a cellular level.

Res-Q Orosine will support the ability of the heart to pump blood.

Res-Q Orosine will support a healthy cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular benefits improve longevity and quality of life.

Res-Q Orosine will enhance coronary circulation and blood flow.

Res-Q Orosine provides cellular energy and encourages cellular regeneration for the heart, brain, kidneys, lungs, liver and other organs.

Res-Q Orosine promotes energy and can help with the normal and occasional day to day fatigue. This benefits energy depletion by providing energy which may help with such day to day activities as athletic performance, work capacity, and even physical endurance.

Res-Q Orosine is good for the heart.

To order or speak with a Res-Q consultant, call 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Welcome Orosine!

Why did we introduce Res-Q Orosoine?

Commitment to heart health has always been a number one priority of Res-Q products, and N3OCEANIC. Along with that commitment to getting blood flow to the heart also comes the commitment to the heart muscle, because any way that you look at heart health, it still involves the health of the heart. We already know that omega-3’s (Res-Q 1250) and Co-Q10 (Res-Q CellPower) are important to the heart, and the entire body, but now we have a product that is even more so geared specifically for the heart muscle, that it is a must have product for those with heart health issues. Our commitment to helping people with products that are good for their heart, and our continual mission to produce effective supplements that truly work is everlasting. We recommend Res-Q Orosine for all our customers who are already taking Res-Q 1250 and Res-Q CellPower for the health of their heart muscle. We recommend Res-Q Orosine for any customer seeking to improve the health of their heart muscle.

Purchase Res-Q Orosine, or Learn more about Res-Q Orosine

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Res-Q All Essential Enzymes

Res-Q All Essential Enzymes promotes the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates, and fats for better nutrient absorption and digestive health. Digestive enzymes are complex proteins that are essential for digestion. There are 3 types of enzymes: enzymes needed to digest protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Res-Q All Essential Enzymes provides a complete digestive enzyme blend of 9 different enzymes that promote the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Digestive enzymes help digest our foods more completely. When foods are not fully digested, waste can build up in the colon, which can result in producing bacteria and toxins that may cause health problems. Res-Q ProBiotic encourages a healthy bacteria balance which helps to keep bad bacteria in check and help eliminate toxins. Res-Q ProBiotic is designed to work with Res-Q All Essential Enzymes for optimal results. Both products help absorption of nutrients, and aid in digestion.

Res-Q All Essential Enzymes aids in digestion and may be beneficial for occasional gas, indigestion, and heartburn. For chronic gas, indigestion, and heartburn you should talk with your doctor.

Res-Q All Essential Enzymes may be used by anyone as part of a healthy diet to help maintain a healthy digestive system. Nutrients are delivered throughout the body by means of enzymes and as we age we make less of the essential digestive enzymes necessary in this process. Getting more enzymes aids the body’s own enzyme supply and can lead to a healthier life.

Many are not aware that 70 to 80 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, making the proper functioning of your intestinal system vital to your overall health. A healthy colon supports the immune system. By breaking down foods properly, less waste will build up in the colon. Waste in the colon can result in producing bacteria and toxins. Furthermore, when Res-Q ProBiotic is used in addition to Res-Q All Essential Enzymes, a healthy bacteria balance is encouraged which helps to keep the growth of bad bacteria in check, and helps support the health of the immune system. A healthy colon supports the immune system. To order or speak with a Res-Q consultant, please call 1-800-26-ALIVE (262-5483).