Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Are you concerned about your blood sugar?

If you could do everything you could naturally, to achieve and maintain a healthy blood sugar level, would you do it?

According to the American Diabetes Association, “The recently completed Diabetes Prevention Program study conclusively showed that people with pre-diabetes can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes by making changes in their diet and increasing their level of physical activity.”

Res-Q has developed a new product to support people in their endeavor to help maintain a healthy blood sugar level when used as part of their diet plan. This new product is Res-Q 105.

Res-Q 105’s all natural proprietary pumpkin pentose complex plays a role in sugar metabolism. Res-Q 105’s pumpkin pentose complex supports cellular energy, and unlike glucose which requires insulin in order to enter cells for use as energy, is able to directly enter cells for use as energy. This affects the way blood sugar is being metabolized. Less sugar is released into the bloodstream, maintaining a normal blood sugar level, and the conversion of glucose into glycogen is encouraged.

So, Are you doing everything that you can ?

Unless you are taking Res-Q 105, you may not be doing everything that you can naturally to help maintain a healthy blood sugar level when used as part of your diet plan.

To learn more about Res-Q 105 please call one of our friendly Res-Q consultants at 1-800-26-ALIVE.

We welcome your thoughts on Res-Q 105.

To submit a comment, please click on the comment link below this posting.

The American Diabetes Association Website, Information on Diabetes Prevention

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Scientific proof exists that Omega-3 fatty acids help keep blood vessels flexible

Studies show us that omega-3 fatty acids encourage arterial elasticity, and promote good blood vessel function, playing a role in making our arteries more healthy, elastic and flexible, rather than stiff.

As published this month, in the Journal of Nutrition, a new study showed that arterial function was better when the omega-3 fatty acid EPA was added to a high fat meal.

In another recent study of 52 people, those who took 3 grams of fish oil capsules per day, had arteries that were more elastic than those who took the placebo.

Omega-3 fatty acids are the active ingredient in Res-Q 1250, a pure and potent omega-3 supplement that provides the proper balance of EPA and DHA for cardiovascular health.

To purchase Res-Q 1250 click here:

To learn more about Res-Q products, please call our consultants at 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Did you find this article interesting?

We welcome your comments. To submit a comment please click on the comment link below this article.


Omega-3 with high fat meal eases cardiovascular changes, NutraIngredients 2008

"A High-Fat Meal Enriched with Eicosapentaenoic Acid Reduces Postprandial Arterial Stiffness Measured by Digital Volume Pulse Analysis in Healthy Men” Journal of Nutrition, February 2008, Volume 138, Pages 287-291

“Fish oil supplementation improves large arterial elasticity in overweight hypertensive patients” European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication 5 September 2007; doi: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602886

Monday, February 25, 2008

Why choose Res-Q 1250

Res-Q 1250 provides a pure, potent, high quality grade oil, and is molecularly distilled and tested to ensure that harmful mercury and other environmental pollutants found in fish are not present.

Res-Q 1250 proves ample amounts of omega-3 EPA and DHA to improve your cardiovascular health and restore your diet with this essential nutrient.

1,000mg of fish oil may provide amounts of EPA and DHA as low as only 150mg per capsule!

Our extensive purification and 1,200mg capsule provides up to 4 times more EPA and DHA combined per capsule.

EPA and DHA are the omega-3 essential fatty acids that are essential for the health of the entire body. Every cell in our body needs omega-3.
For questions or to obtain the promotional savings offer, call toll free 1-800-26-ALIVE.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Question of the Week

What is your favorite Res-Q product and Why?

Please click on comment link below to reply.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Resveratrol is good for the brain

Resveratrol, a phytochemical found in the skin of red grapes, and red wine, has powerful antioxidant abilities and numerous known cardiovascular benefits as demonstrated by science.

By taking Res-Q Resveratrol, maximum benefits are provided that can not be achieved from drinking a glass or two of red wine and without the side effects of alcohol.

As an antioxidant, resveratrol supports a healthy brain, cells, and blood vessels by neutralizing free radicals. Over time the effects of excess free radicals may lead to poor health, mild memory loss associated with the natural process of aging, and even poor arterial health.

A study published in Nueroreport showed resveratrol’s great potential to actually help maintain healthy brain function as we grow older. “The combination of resveratrol and vitamin C and/or E was more effective in protecting the cell than was any of these three antioxidants alone.”

This study points out the importance of using more than one antioxidant product. By using multiple antioxidants you are maximizing your brain health potential. Resveratrol’s powerful antioxidant properties and multiple health benefits, makes resveratrol a “must have” in your antioxidant regimen.

Res-Q® products are scientifically developed, tested & purified in an FDA approved facility, which is why we are able to offer you the most advanced in all-natural cardio-care, including products for sleep, blood-sugar maintenance and weight loss.