Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Res-Q Mg is good for muscles.

Magnesium helps nerves and muscles to function. As reported in a recent medical journal, magnesium, “…plays an essential role in control of neuromuscular transmission.”1 Your heart is one of the most important muscles in your body. Magnesium promotes heart function. In fact, I know many doctors who recommend magnesium to both heart patients and those with high blood pressure because it is a very beneficial supplement for the heart muscle.

Also, if you are taking calcium supplements for bone or muscle health, the calcium may not be enough. Magnesium plays a key role in calcium absorption.

Res-Q Mg is a magnesium supplement intended to promote good cardiovascular health. For general health, take at least one Res-Q Mg caplet per day. For heart-health benefits, more magnesium may be necessary. We suggest three Res-Q Mg caplets per day for heart health benefits. To order call a Res-Q Consultant at 1-800-26-ALIVE. Ask about our Platinum membership. Platinum members save 50% off the retail price, any time that they place an order.

Visit us online at


1. “Magnesium and ischemic heart disease: a review of epidemiological, experimental, and clinical evidence.” Magnesium Res 2005 Dec 18

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