Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Resveratrol is good for the brain

Resveratrol, a phytochemical found in the skin of red grapes, and red wine, has powerful antioxidant abilities and numerous known cardiovascular benefits as demonstrated by science.

By taking Res-Q Resveratrol, maximum benefits are provided that can not be achieved from drinking a glass or two of red wine and without the side effects of alcohol.

As an antioxidant, resveratrol supports a healthy brain, cells, and blood vessels by neutralizing free radicals. Over time the effects of excess free radicals may lead to poor health, mild memory loss associated with the natural process of aging, and even poor arterial health.

A study published in Nueroreport showed resveratrol’s great potential to actually help maintain healthy brain function as we grow older. “The combination of resveratrol and vitamin C and/or E was more effective in protecting the cell than was any of these three antioxidants alone.”

This study points out the importance of using more than one antioxidant product. By using multiple antioxidants you are maximizing your brain health potential. Resveratrol’s powerful antioxidant properties and multiple health benefits, makes resveratrol a “must have” in your antioxidant regimen.

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