Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why are we not getting enough Vitamin D from diet?

Studies show that Vitamin deficiencies are more common that you might think.

Milk, one of the most potent dietary sources of Vitamin D, does not give you enough Vitamin D, and is in the form of Vitamin D2, which is not as effective at maintaining Vitamin D levels as Vitamin D3, so you may have less Vitamin D in your bloodstream that you realize.

Since daily fish consumption is not recommended, due to the environmental issues with fish, getting enough Vitamin D3 to truly benefit your health could be more challenging than you think.

Many people limit the number of eggs that are consumed weekly or daily due to watching the cholesterol level, thus limiting the amount of nutrition that is consumed daily, such as Vitamin D3. Also, eggs have suboptimal levels of Vitamin D3 to begin with.

Many people may not get enough sunlight all year round in order for their body to produce enough Vitamin D3. In the winter months, we get less sunlight than we do in summer. The use of sunscreens has increased with the education of the health risks associated with UV rays. Blocking certain UV rays, also blocks the production of Vitamin D3. Could this be the reason that people are Vitamin D deficient?

Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked with health problems, thus supporting the need to ensure enough dietary intake of Vitamin D. Supplementing the diet with Vitamin D in the more biologically active form of Vitamin D3, as found in the Res-Q Multi heart-health multivitamin can help ensure enough Vitamin D intake and help maintain a healthy Vitamin D level.

Taking the recommended daily dose of Res-Q Multi provides 200% of the recommended daily value for Vitamin D3. Res-Q Multi is a heart-healthy multivitamin intended to supplement the diet. Taking Res-Q Multi helps ensure adequate daily vitamin intake in order to promote good health and wellness as well as optimal cardiovascular health.

For more information on Res-Q Products, call 1-800-26-ALIVE.

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