Tuesday, December 9, 2008

HDL – The Artery Wall Defenders

Studies show that risk for arterial health problems (build up on the artery wall) is directly related to the HDL number, the good cholesterol called high density lipoprotein. In fact, even those with a good cholesterol number, are at risk when their good cholesterol number declines. What is too low of an HDL? Is it below 40 or below 50? While mixed opinions remain regarding what the magic number is for too low of an HDL for men and women, one piece of information remains consistent: a higher HDL is better for your heart health.

As reported in the Journals of the American Heart Association,

“Studies show that for every 1-mg/dl rise in HDL-C )1 milligram HDL-C per 1 deciliter of blood, the risk for developing cardiovascular disease decreases by 2% to 3%.”

HDL, the good cholesterol promotes a process known as “reverse cholesterol transport” This process has been compared to a mop that helps to absorb excess cholesterol on the arterial wall and sweeps it back to the liver for disposal through normal bodily functions. Clinical studies have linked potent fish oils, meaning the fish oils rich in omega-3 content, and niacin with successful results. Take Res-Q HDL+ with Res-Q 1250 to help maintain a healthy HDL number.

Weight Loss has also been linked with raising the HDL. For extra support with your weight loss program, try Res-Q TrimSystem, our weight loss aid. Test, Call 1-800-26-ALIVE NOW for more information.

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